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Affordable antiques for unique decor

Updated: 5 days ago

Put simply, this is just a list of 10 things that people don’t always think about but that add a...

glorious vintage

warmth to your

home decor.

Pictured - A vintage market scale with an oil lamp metal frame and a terracotta pot with flowers. A beautiful selection of hand crafted items without plastic in sight.

1. Antique ladles and scoops: Hand beaten copper or brass with wooden or metal handles. These were originally used for cooking on open fire stoves.

These often go disregarded BUT they make the best small wall planters, pencil pots, utensil holders and have a tons of other uses. They're elegant, hand made and add style and texture to a space.

You can see them more often than you’d think at car boot sales, thrift stores, online and they're brilliant.

2. Vintage bottles and jars: All stunning, unique (as they’re all hand made) and some of the writing on them is brilliant. I have bottles reading "blood potion", "lightning cough cure", "poisonous not to be taken", "HP sauce", and much, much more. Loads of people buy these bottles and feel they’re just display items… Not true. They can be used for tons of things. Fill one with hand soap or as make up brush holders or my preferred use, to propagate plants, or use them for fresh herbs and flowers to scent my rooms without having to use a artificial scent whilst adding visual interest to our home.

3. Copper and brass containers: I find these all over the place and pick them up whenever I see them. They’re stunning planters and cost me less than a piece of plastic and last infinitely longer.

4. Vintage serving ware:

If you’ve got open shelves which had been a trend for a few years you’ll be well aware that if you don’t keep it tidy you’re essentially displaying your mess and the mess becomes a focal point in the room.

So, get sexier mess (or cupboard doors).

So, along with some nice matching modern sets, it’s always good to buy things you can replace without heart break) but try adding in some classic pieces you can integrate to deflect away from the less interesting bits… I have Ikea plates but use vintage serving platters and serving cutlery to balance it out and give a timeless touch to the table.

Cutlery is a really easy route to go down.

I've always loved vintage cutlery and once on Amazon I found a set of solid reproduction cutlery. They were a bargain so I bought two sets. From then on every time I happened to come across a piece of vintage cutlery that matched my vintage pattern of choice (Kings Pattern), I grabbed it. One day, by chance, I was at a "vide grenier" (car boot sale or flea market) and found a shoe box on the floor by a table with a full set in it and when I asked how much it was they said "3 Euros" and have never had a better bargain than that to this day!

5. Vintage mirrors and frames:

Ok, so you've decided you want vintage charm in your home but very few people can go out and buy a whole bunch of new house decor at once. Maybe start with a nice mirror that interests you. It's a beautiful, vintage focal point you can use to liven up a plain wall and create instant interest as you plan the your space.


6. Vintage lamp stands:

Loads of people are intimidated at the thought of rewiring a vintage lamp but they can add so much chsracter to a room and they're often so much cheaper than modern reproductions. If you aren't confident, it's really affordable to get a lamp rewired by a professional.

7. Vintage chairs:

I just love them. Chairs now are often made of less high quality wood. It's not even often because the wood is less good but sometimes it's because the process used to produce the wood isn't as patient. Where as antique chairs are not just "made" but "crafted" and every curve and every shape was created by a human who developed their craft through grit, passion and pride and that makes them feel even more valuable.

8. Vintage napkin rings:

Napkin rings have (kind of) gone out of fashion but they need to come back! They add style and decor to your table AND they can make any plain napkin feel more soecial. We try to be a bit more eco conscious like us and try and use fabric napkins (even though we acknowledge they're really annoying to always wash and sometimes iron if you're feeling brave). We find when wee use napkin rings you can avoid them looking too wrinkly because it clinches them together... Trust us

9. Antique crocks and storage containers:

It may not be for everyone but being honest, I've never wanted to be like everyone. I don't have a walk in pantry to hide things away in and my house isn't massive so I like things to have form and function whilst being a bit more unique. Also, sometimes you just have to have stuff out on the counter and so, I try and make those items things I want to be looking at. For example, this large antique counter top croc actually holds our packets of cat food and treats,

It's more affordable often than going into a container store and add a lot of visual interest.

10. Vintage clothing stands:

One thing I like to do for my mental health and as part of my night time routine is to lay out my clothes and. what I need for the next day. It may seem unnecessary but it's incredibly calming and really helps in getting to sleep quicker because you don't have a bundle of things rushing through your head because you've already taken the time to reassure yourself that you know what's going on. (Naturally no rule works for all types of brain but it certainly helps me in a really exceptional way.)

In saying that, a pile of "stuff" ready for the morning does take up space and clambering after your under pants that have rolled onto the ground when you're sleepy is still no fun, so, clothes stands. They're really affordable, make a space look elevated (because we associate them now with rich people for some reason) and best of all a stunning vintage piece.

Sneaky No. 11. Vintage cookware

Vintage cookware is stunning. Well designed, hardwearing, often far cheaper than modern cookware and stunning. What more reason do you need?


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